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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject 系统 固件版本 Assignee Updated
875 LB700 Bug Closed Normal USB串口默认root用户,退不到neardi用户 Ubuntu \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/07/2025 11:03 AM Actions
861 LB700 Bug Closed Urgent 【Out of memory】Unable to handle kernel \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/06/2025 10:38 AM Actions
859 LB700 Bug Closed High 串口命令行会很卡,有很多kill的log \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/06/2025 10:37 AM Actions
858 LB700 Bug Closed High 串口登录需要去掉 \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/05/2025 10:27 AM Actions
846 LB200 Bug Closed Urgent Ubuntu系统开机1到2分钟之内,运行产测脚本会卡住很久 Ubuntu \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3576\lb200\ubuntu\emmc\2025_02_27\rk3576_lb200_ubuntu2204_25_02_27.img Linx 02/27/2025 06:00 PM Actions
843 LB700 Bug Closed High camera(J3504)无法出图,功能缺失 Ubuntu \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/06/2025 01:53 PM Actions
841 LB700 Bug Closed Immediate rootfs_20250219A版本固件烧录后,无法直接使用,进入不到系统中 Ubuntu \\\01-Public\Linx\hi3403\ubuntu Linx 03/06/2025 03:13 PM Actions
794 KP12C Bug Closed High 系统不支持exfat文件系统 Ubuntu LP120_4_1080_Ubuntu20.04_v1.0_20240109.img Linx 01/10/2025 09:53 PM Actions
777 LZ130 Bug Closed Normal -20℃下以太网性能严重降速 Ubuntu Linx 01/15/2025 11:50 AM Actions
697 LB700 Bug Closed Normal TF卡不自动挂载 Ubuntu \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/06/2025 02:19 PM Actions
696 LB700 Bug Closed Normal U盘不自动挂载 Ubuntu \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/06/2025 02:28 PM Actions
692 LB700 Bug Closed Normal 通过MobaXterm连接SSH,无法保存新建文件 Ubuntu Linx 12/25/2024 10:45 AM Actions
688 LB700 Bug Closed Low 软重启(reboot),串口开始log排列不整齐 Ubuntu \\\03-image\hisi3403\imageOS\ubuntu\ss928\ubuntu_V1.3-support-UI-20250304 Linx 03/07/2025 02:52 PM Actions
652 LZ130 Bug Closed Normal Unix Bench 跑分分差过大 Ubuntu Linx 02/17/2025 05:29 PM Actions
646 LZ130 Bug Closed Normal HDMI播放视频异常卡顿 Ubuntu Linx 02/17/2025 05:25 PM Actions
641 LPM3568 Bug Closed Normal 可以连接手机但无法连接蓝牙音箱 Ubuntu \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3568\lp125\Test Linx 11/26/2024 10:49 AM Actions
629 LPM3568 Bug Closed Urgent 两台设备eht1的mac地址重复 Ubuntu \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3568\lp125\Test Linx 11/25/2024 02:24 PM Actions
621 LB200 Bug Closed Urgent HDMI 不支持热拔插 \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3576\ubuntu\2024_11_11\rk3576_lb200_ubuntu2204_11_11.img Linx 12/03/2024 02:42 PM Actions
617 LP122 Bug Closed Normal 4G使用PPP可以拨号但无法ping通别的地址 Ubuntu \\\17-OpenImage\neardi-download\RK3568\LPB3568\ubuntu Linx 11/13/2024 07:20 PM Actions
612 LB200 Bug Closed High IP无法自动更新 Ubuntu rk3576_lb200_ubuntu22.04_20241108A.img Linx 12/03/2024 02:18 PM Actions
610 LB200 Bug Closed High 系统缺少组件 Ubuntu rk3576_lb200_ubuntu2204_12_03.img Linx 12/03/2024 02:12 PM Actions
586 LP160 Bug Closed Normal 蓝牙可以连接手机但大概率无法连接蓝牙音箱 \\\17-OpenImage\neardi-download\RK3588\LPA3588\Ubuntu Linx 01/14/2025 06:13 PM Actions
577 LP11A Bug Closed High 无法自动挂载U盘 \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3399pro\linux\aidong\V1.0\update.img Linx 11/07/2024 02:00 PM Actions
575 LP120 Bug Closed High 连接HDMI显示器播放画面没有声音 Ubuntu \\\01-Public\wilson_test\rk3568\lpa3568 Linx 10/14/2024 03:21 PM Actions
564 LP122 Bug Closed Urgent 85℃下千兆网速率低 Ubuntu \\\17-OpenImage\neardi-download\RK3568\LPB3568\ubuntu\LPB3568_ubuntu20.04_HDMI_v1.0_20240524_1358 Linx 10/29/2024 09:36 AM Actions
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